
在閱讀本部落格的其他如何有效率記英文單字文章,並有了短的單字(五個字母五個字母以下)為基礎,可運用已記住的短的單字來記長的單字(五個字母以上).  較有效的方法為用已知短的單字以邏輯推理的方法來學未知長的單字. 在這裡的邏輯推理的方法是用您已有知識, 經驗,和習慣來幫您記長的單字. 最好不要強記別人的方法來幫您記憶.例如如果您知道獅子跑比駱駝快,或您曾經看過電影,或親眼看過,或夢過一隻獅子追捕並吃了駱駝的情形且深記在您的腦海裡(不需再記憶). 以下的例子適合您用. ameliorate(改善,進步)可用camel + lion + rate來記憶. 字母c, l n被加入以便字型和字義的記憶首先你必須記camel(駱駝) + lion(獅子) + rate(,速度) 的意思. 因獅子跑的速度比駱駝快所以從駱駝的速度提升至獅子的速度有進步及改善的涵義. ameliorate 可用以上的邏輯方法來記憶. **請注意被加入的字母 只能用很簡單而不需再記憶規則. 例如字母只能在一個字的最前面或(和)最後面.

Stalactite (鍾乳石) 可用 stalk () + act () + item (物件) 來記憶. 鍾乳石不就像被吊在石洞中莖狀的物件嗎!

當你記住長的單字後, 可運用它來幫你記一些小單字組, 例如

ameliorate 可分解來學

amel:    camel ;  io:    ionrate:    crate grate irate prate rate

ame:    amen dame fame game hame lame name same tame ;  lio:    lionrate:    crate grate irate prate rate

am:    cam dam ham jam ram yam ;  eliorate:    meliorate

stalactite 可分解來學 steal, stall, Stale , stalk, bite, cite, kite, mite, rite, site, item. 以下是從我的書中摘入的一些例子讓 1) 您用已有知識, 經驗,和習慣來幫您記長的單字,及 2) 用您已記住長的單字來幫你記一些小單字組的練習.

1) 用您已有知識, 經驗,和習慣來幫您記長的單字的例子: (選擇適合您用的組合) 

bravado = brave bravo + ado

abrogate = a + brow  + gate

absinthe = a + basin  + the = cab dab jab tab abb aba abb  + sin + the

refrigerate = re- + fringe + rate

abluent = a + blue + ant net nit nut

abominable = aboma  + in + able

brandish = brain brawn brand + dish   or   = brand + dish fish wish

moneran = money + ran

caustic = cause + tic

buzzard =  buzz + card hard lard ward yard arid

censure = cent + sure

esquire = be he + squire   or   = yes + quire

aquamarine = aqua  + marine

ethereal = ether + real   or  = ether + deal heal meal peal real seal teal zeal earl

aquatint = aqua  + tint

archangel =  arch  + angel

archives = arc  + hives

artifice = art  + if  + ice

ascendant = ascend  + ant

asphalt = asp  + halt

abbatial = abba + trial = abba + tidal

aspirate = asp  + irate  =  as  + pirate

assassin = ass  + ass  + in  =  ass  + as  + sin

asseverate  v.t. to affirm or aver positively or with great earnestness. 

              = ass  + eve  + rate

badinage = bad  + in  + age

bandoleer = ban  + do  + leer

barbecue = bar  + be  + cue

bastion = bast  + ion

caprice = cap  + rice

carillon = car  + ill  + on

clangor = clang  + or

cornstarch = corn  + starch

crustacean = crust  + ace  + an

curator = cur  + at  + or

denounce = den  + ounce

dentine = den  + tine 


2) 用您已記住長的單字幫你記一些小單字組的例子:  


abattoir  n. a public slaughterhouse.


abat: abate ;    to: to toe tog ton too top tot tow toy ;    ir: air fir ire irk sir


 abbatial  adj. belonging or relating to an abbey or an abbot. 



abba:   abba;   ti:   tic tie tin tip tit;   al:   ale all

abb:   abb abba abbe;   at:   at bat cat eat fat hat mat pat rat tat vat;  ial:   dial vial

ab:   aba abb cab dab jab tab;   bat:   bat bate bath;   ial:   dial vial




ambassador  n. the highest ranking diplomatic representative of one government to another.


amb:    jamb lamb ;  assa:    assay ;  dor:    dory odor

amb:    jamb lamb ;  ass:    ass bass lass Mass pass ;  ador:    adore adorn

am:    cam dam ham jam ram yam ;  bass:    bass ;  ador:    adore adorn


ameliorate  vt. and vi. to make better or grow better; to improve.


amel:    camel ;  io:    ion ;  rate:    crate grate irate prate rate

ame:    amen dame fame game hame lame name same tame ;  lio:    lion ;  rate:    crate grate irate prate rate

am:    cam dam ham jam ram yam ;  eliorate:    meliorate


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