
學習好的英文, 首先需要有好的單字基礎. 要有好的單字基礎, 必須要有有效率學習的方法, 應用邏輯推理的方法來記住不超英過五個字母的單字. 至於較長的單字可用已經記住的較短單字來記住它們. 例如lieutenant (中尉) 記憶方法可為 lie + u + ten + ant, lie + u + tenant (如您已經記住 tenant - 房客), lieu + tenant.  Serene (寧靜的) 記憶方法可為 is + mere + one ,  sure  + one.  Mosquito(蚊子) 記憶方法可為 most + quit+ o. 請參閱 長的英文單字文章內更詳細說明及子和練習. 以下每日一句是我十歲女兒用我寫的聯想字串書中練習,配合有效率記英文單字的遊戲來記英文單, 其例句如下. 至於有效率記英文單字的遊戲, 請參閱有效率記英文單字的遊戲 (不是背)》與有效率學習英文的方法 (應用字的關係而記住, 不是背) 》兩篇文章. **並請注意用以下的例句方法記單字時, 確記將所有或大多數不懂的生字造成一個邏輯的句子是必要的.  例如須記的單字如下  stale, wain, swain, swine.  邏輯的句子可為: A tale about that a swain takes a wain to find a swine and wine is very stale. 請查不懂單字. 您應該會覺得句子是很有意思的. 其中可用 tale 來記 stale; wine來記 swine, swain, wain.







hive  hire  hide  bide  side  wide  ride  ripe  tripe  trite  tribe  bribe  brine  bride  bridge  bridle




bide: v.t. to wait, such as bide your time to do something.

tripe: n. the stomach of a cud-chewing animal that is used as the food.

trite: adj. worn-out, stale, repeated so often ,such as a trite remark.

bribe: n.  money or other reward offered as the result of betraying a trust.
brine: n. water strongly salted especially used in pickling.



There is a bribe of one billion dollors if a person can bide his/her time to get out of a tub as trite tripe of brine for three hours.





wide  wade  lade  lame  lake  slake  sake  shake  stake  snake  snare  snarl  snail  sail  hail  hall  hale 



slake: v.t. to extinguish, make less


hale: adj. physically sound, healthy. v.t. to move a person by force, as to hale him to court.




The tiger made a hale when he saw the workers slake the fire. 





peat  plat  plait  plant  pant  part  port  pot  pat  pate  prate  plate  slate  sate  safe  cafe  cage  gage  gate  gale  gala  gall




plat: n. a small piece of land, detailed in a map


pate: n. having a specified mind or head


prate: v.i. to talk carelessly,


gage: n. something for security


gale: n.  a strong  wind,  less  violent  than  a hurricane


gall: n. a horrible bad experience




A pate person on a plat was prate and did not get gage when a gale came , it was a gall.





find fid  fad  far  fir  firm  film  fill  mill  mull  mall  mail  maul  haul  hail  hall  hill



fad: n. a hobby


mull: v.t. to warm or spice


maul: n. a large hammer or mallet




My favorite fad is to mull a maul.





word  wood  good  god  gold  gild  gill  gull  gulf  gulp  pulp  pump  pup  pop  top  mop  moo  moon  mood  moot  molt  dolt



gild: v.t. to cover , color,  paint , and shower with gold

moot: adj. doubtful


molt: v.i. to shed the feathers, horns, hair or skin.


dolt: n. stupid person



Are you a moot person or a dolt who gilds and molts?





placid plaid plait plant plat splat sprat spray splay slay slab slaw slew skew askew




placid: adj. quiet and serene


plat: n. a plait; a design of  ground


sprat: n. a small fish resembling the a young herring.


splay: adj.  spread out, broad, awkward, ill-formed,


slaw: n. sliced or sever cabbage.


slew: v.i. and v.t to slither around, to twist, to swerve; to


skew. adj. placed at an angle or on a slant; not symmetrical.


askew: adv. crookedly; off-center.






I am a sprat with plats, very placid and my fins are splay, so I have to slew and my favorite word are slaw, skew, and askew.






real  zeal  meal  meat  mat  moat  boat  beat  bet  bit  bitt  bite  kite  rite  rime  grime  prime



bitt: n. a wooden or iron post aboard ship to which cables are made fast.


rime: n. hoarfrost, white frost. n. rhyme.


grime: n. dirt, soot.




I quickly put the cow on the bitt that was covered in grime, and went into the house ,I was shocked everything was covered inn rime.



 huge  hue  hub  hob  mob  cob  coy  cow  cot  cat  cart  curt  cure  sure  sore  snore  score



hub: n.  the  turning  point  of  a  wheel; a central part; the peg used in pitching quoits.


hob: n. the flat part of a grate on which things are set to be kept warm; the peg at which gouts are thrown.


coy: adj. bashful, coquettishly shy.


curt: adj. abrupt.




What is a hue?  curtly asked by a coy hob and hub maker.




lick  pick  pink  kink  kick  rick  prick  price  pride  bride  bide  tide  wide  wile  wale  wade  lade


kink: n.  a  twist, curl or loop in a rope or string; an odd, fanciful whim. v.i. and v.t.  to  form  twists  or  loops, as this thread kinks; to form into twists or curls, as to kink the hair.


bride: n. a woman being or about to be married; one recently married.

wile: n. a sly artifice, a trick. vt. to beguile wheedle.


wale: n.  a  mark  left by the stroke of a lash; a rib in the weave of cloth; a timber fastened horizontally to a row of piles to hold them in position.



The book “Mrs.Green “ and the little green village’ is about a bride getting a gift that’s a kink with a wale and   being wiled.




handle  candle  dandle  dangle  tangle  tingle  tinge  tine  tire  tie  tile  till  tilt  tint  tent  text  next


dandle: v.t. to pet


 I can’t wait to dandle Pookie Amy’s dog.

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