課程名稱:Memory Mastery -永久記憶力的開發



1)      運用已經記住的知識來記住還沒記住的知識

2)      須證明用來記未知的連結永遠不會忘掉

3)      已經記住的知識的定義是自然的記住而不是刻意的記住

4)      認知死背或重複而記住的知識一定會忘掉 (* 您有忘掉過曾經可以閉著眼睛做幾年的工作或用過的電腦語言的經驗嗎?)

5)      認知能夠或已經記住的知識不會寫在記憶卡上來背





?茉莉,十一歲, 生於美國. 在學習了本永久記憶方法後, 她不但於2012年年底代表班上(33名學生)參加Spelling Bee 的拼字比賽, 並進入複賽, 她的最後一次比賽, 因學校配合募款,比賽地點在校外舉行, 最後因緊張只獲得同年級的第四名(同年級大約有五百名學生). 之後, 她更能夠在短短的兩個月內(12/11/12~2/10/13), 利用課餘之後的時間學習中文, 從一個中文文盲進步到認識至少一千個以上的正體字, 並能閱讀二十四孝的故事. 故事部份內容如下: “在歷史上留名的偉人, 有幾位具有異於常人之相, 舜就是其中之一. 據說舜的眼睛裡各有兩顆眼珠子, 所以大家又叫他「重華」, 除此之外, 跟一般人沒有什麼不同.” 因要測驗她的學習效果. 我請她隨意寫一些她知道字音和字義的字. 以下是她花了約一小時45分鐘從頭腦寫下來的字:





















除此之外, 並附上她如何用本方法來記英文單字的例子. 以下是她從頭腦寫下來的單字: (她用cue (提示)來記單字如何拼及其字義)


Words that popped right in my head (from Molly):

-meniscus-the curved part of the graduated cylinder

Cue: Men +his +cups

-shallop – 2 part masted boat

Cue: she + all +loop

-notation -notes or marks to indicate something

Cue: note + action

-impact -change

Cue: limp+ act

-bodice -upper part of a women’s dress or blouse

Cue: body + nice

-rhetorically -language

Cue: re+ the + tour + ically(ending of a word)

-pinnacle - a lofty peak

Cue: pin + can +leap

-harass - annoying

Cue: hair + ass

-baylee -whales bone

Cue: bay + peel

-bailiwick-  office of bailiffs

Cue: bail + I + wick

-balderdash -nonsense

Cue: ba + older + dash

-ballad - folk song

Cue: ball +ad

-cardio -heart

Cue: card+ I +do

-derma -skin

Cue: add + germ

-cargo - the goods or merchandise conveyed in a ship, airplane, or vehicle

Cue: car + go

-manipulate - control

Cue: Man! + I + pull +late

-fiasco – a complete failure

Cue: F + bias + co.

-pan- every, always

Cue: nap (Good Luck Charlie)

-amity- friendship

Cue: I +am +pity

-ambi- on both sides, neutral

Cue: Bambi


見證2: By Kexin

No one would’ve thought that having four classes of memory training could be so

challenging, yet helpful. Before taking this class, the method most of us considered to use was

the basic memorization method with no specific strategies. As the list becomes longer and as

days past, the more vocabulary we take in, the more we’ll forget them, and all of the hard work

would end up as nothing. Overall, though, I found this memorization strategy quite useful for the

SAT, but would also help us a lot in the future.

I am really thankful of learning this new technique of memorization. Now that I

understood how to use it correctly, I’ve noticed how ignorant my way of memorization was,

which was basically spending the whole day memorizing these words and reviewing them.

Gladly, after learning a new and more useful way of memorizing information, I realized that

there is really no need to review because if you broke down the words correctly, then you will

definitely recall them. For me, I found this method really convenience; I can use it anytime.

When having to study vocabularies in school, instead of using my old method, breaking down

the words into smaller phrases would be more convenience. For example, I didn’t know the word

“matriarchy” at first, but based on the definition, “a society ruled or controlled by women” I

broke the word into “ma + tri(o) + archy”, this way, it was easier to remember the spelling and

the definition. “Ma” meaning mother, but in this case, you can say women; “trio” is like the

society, where there are three branches (legislative, executive, and judicial); “archy”, in Greek,

meaning “to rule”.

I didn’t find this method unsuccessful in any way, except the fact that maybe for every

word, it may take a while to figure out the clues. Other than that, everything went pretty well, but

even if it took a long to think of clues, and in some cases, there might not even be one, it’s still

worth it to take your time into doing these exercises. It not only benefits you on the SAT, but

also in the future. If you want to be pharmacists, a lawyer, or a doctor, it would be really

beneficial in trying to remember the long terms. In summation, I thought this memorization

method was really beneficial and I don’t regret taking the memory training classes. 


見證3: By Kimberly


 I feel like I learned quite a bit from memory training. Some of the words that we studied weren’t really words we would use in real life or in conversations with your friends. I think that’s what makes the SHSATs so hard. There is a mortifying and overwhelming amount of vocabulary. Yet I feel, that in the end, this will all pay off because not only will I be able to memorize 5,000 vocabulary words, I can use this method to memorize other things.

            By using the memory method, I can also memorize Chinese vocabulary. Because Chinese characters are very much like pictures; so much can be depicted in one word. I can break the words apart into smaller words and memorize what the smaller words mean in relation to the bigger word with more brush strokes. For example: 題=是+頁. I think of  as pages. So there will be math questions in the pages of a textbook. I can also use this to memorize long lists of things I have to buy at the supermarket. I will associate the things I need to buy with other things. This is really hard to explain. I wonder how you teach lessons; I can’ even put these in words.

            I thought that the memory training was a lot of hard work. But I don’t really mind the work. As I said in the beginning of the essay, I feel like this will all pay off. The hard part of this is actually using the correct words to break apart. You can’t just use any word. They should be somewhat related to the word and it has to be a word that you would remember.


I learned that if I don’t use the correct words, I’m just wasting my time. I won’t remember most of the words I just did in a couple of hours.



本課程老師已經開發出一種記憶的方法,通過聯想,他成功功的記住- 1) 2009年用了大約4小時記住的圓周率的前100位數及美國50洲的面積,2) 整個週期表,3)六、七百個英文醫學名詞的字首,字根,和字尾,等。他的方法可以讓你不僅記住任何想記的事物,且能回想並運用它們經過數週,數月甚至數年之後。




7:00 PM9:00 PM,週一和週四晚,2小時


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