
您知道“can(能夠)”和“on(上)”,但是您知道“canon(教會法規)”嗎?如果您知道單字“can(能夠)”,“on(上)”和#m4milm,您可以在幾秒鐘內學會“canon(教會法規)”這個字。  如果您對m4milm學習方法的樣品書感興趣請按左邊的連結。If you are interested in a demo book of the m4milm learning method, please click the link on the left.









mathematic(數學) = "ma(媽) + thematic(主題)" or "mat(墊子) + hematic(血液的)"


program(程序) = "prog(飼料) + ram(公羊)" or "pro(專業的) + gram(公克)"


thousand (千) = "thous (千 -- 複數) + and (和)" or “thou (千) + sand (沙)”; (thous (千-- 複數) = "tho (儘管) + us (我們)"


yellow (黃色) = "yell (叫喊) + ow (噢)" 


develop (發展) = "deve (使耳聾) + lop (從樹上砍下來的樹枝)" 


famous (著名的) = "fa (發-- 哆瑞咪...) + mous (中國土地面積的單位-- 複數)" 


enough (足夠的) = "en (字母 n) + ough (表達痛苦或厭惡)" 


before (之前) = "be (是) + fore (前面的)" 


western (西方的) = "we (我們) + stern (嚴肅的)"


suppose (假設) = "sup (吃晚飯) + pose (姿勢)"


office (辦公室) = "of (的) + fice (小雜種狗) or off (離開) + ice (冰)"


cotton (棉布) = "cot (小屋) + ton (噸) or cott (小屋) + on (在)"


together(一起) = “tog (衣服) + ether (醚)” or “to (對) + gether (收集)”; (ether= “et (吃--過去式) + her (她)” or “eth (ð 表示擦音\t͟h\) + er (表示猶豫)”; gether= “get (得到) + her”)


between(之間)= “be(是) + tween(青少年)” or “bet(賭注) + ween(思考; 認為)”; (ween = “we(我們) + en(字母 n)”)

adorational= "adoration + al" or "ado + rational"; (ado= "a + do"; rational= "ration + al"; ration= "rat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
advisorship = "advisors + hip" or "advisor + ship"; (advisor= "ad + visor"; visor= "vis + or"; advisors= "ad + visors"; visors= "vis + ors")
aerogenerator = "aero + generator"; (aero= "ae + Ro"; generator= "genera + tor"; genera= "gen + era or gene + Ra"; era= "er + a")
aforementioned = "afore + mentioned"; (afore= "a + fore"; mentioned= "mention + ed"; mention= "menti + on"; "menti= "men + ti")
agglomerate = "ag + glomerate"; (glomerate= "glomer + ate", "glome + rate" or "glomera + te"; glomer= "glom + er"; glomera= "glom + era"; rate= "ra + te")
aggradational = "ag + gradational" or "aggradation + al"; ( gradational= "gradation + al"; gradation= "gra + dation"; dation= "dat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
alliterational = "alliteration + al"; (alliteration= "al + literation"; literation= "lite + ration"; ration= "rat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
alternation = "alter + nation" or "alternat + ion"; (alter= "al + ter"; alternat= "altern + at"; altern= "al + tern"; ion= "I +on")
anagenesis = "an + agenesis" or "ana + genesis"; (agenesis= "agene + sis" or "agenes + is"; agene= "a + gene"; agenes= "a + genes"; ana= "an + a"; genesis= "gene + sis" or "genes + is")
anagrammatical = "anagrammatic + al", "an + agrammatical" or "ana + grammatical"; (ana= "an + a"; grammatical= "gramma + tical"; gramma= "gram + ma"; tical= "tic + al")
analogical = "an + alogical","ana + logical" or "analogic + al"; (alogical= "a + logical"; logical= "logic + al"; logic= "log + IC"; ana= "an + a")
analogions = "analog + ions" or "ana + logions"; (analog= "ana + log" or "anal + OG"; anal= "an + al"; ana= "an + a"; logions= "log +ions")
anatomically = "an + atomically" or "anatomic + ally"; (atomically= "atomic + ally"; atomic= "ato + mic" or "atom + IC"; ato= "a + to"; atom= "a + tom" or "at + om")
anisogametic = "an + isogametic"; (isogametic= "isogam + etic"; isogam= "is + ogam"; ogam= "OG + am"; etic= "et + IC" )
anisomerism = "an + isomerism"; (isomerism= "isomer + ism"; isomer= "I + somer" or "is + omer"; somer= "som + er"; omer= "om + er")
anteconsonantic = "ante + consonantic"; (ante= "an + te"; consonantic= "con + sonantic"; sonantic= "son + antic"; antic= "an + tic" or "ant + IC")
antejuramenta = "ante + juramenta"; (ante= "an + te"; juramenta= "jurament + a" or "jur + amenta"; jurament= "jur + ament"; amenta= "amen + ta" or " a + menta"; amen= "am + en"; menta= "men + ta"
antiabortion = "anti + abortion"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; abortion= "abort + ion"; abort= "a + bort" or "ab + ort"; ion= "I + on")
antiallergenic = "anti + allergenic"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; allergenic= "allergen + IC"; allergen= "aller + gen"; aller= "all + er")
anticenter = "anti + center" or "antic + enter"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; center= "cent + er"; antic= "an + tic" or "ant + IC"; enter= "en + ter")
anticorrelate = "anti + correlate" or "anticor + relate"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; correlate= "cor + relate"; relate= "re + late"; late= "la + te")
anticorrelation = "anti + correlation" or "anticor + relation"; (correlation= "cor + relation"; relation= "re + lation"; lation= "lat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
anticreeper = "anti + creeper" or "antic + reeper"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; antic= "ant + IC"; creeper= "Cree + per" or "creep + er"; reeper= "ree + per")
antiemetic = "anti + emetic"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; antic= "ant + IC"; emetic= "em + etic"; etic= "et + IC")
antifashionable = "anti + fashionable" or "antifashion + able"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; fashionable= "fashion + able"; fashion= "fash + ion"; ion= "I + on")
antiliberalism = "anti + liberalism"or "antiliberal + ism"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; liberalism= "liberal + ism"; liberal= "liber + al"; liber= "lib + er")
antimaterialism = "anti + materialism"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; materialism= "material + ism"; material= "mate + rial"; mate= "ma + te")
antimetastatic = "anti + metastatic"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; metastatic= "meta + static"; meta= "met + a" or "me + ta"; static= "stat + IC")
antiparabema = "anti + parabema"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; parabema= "para + bema"; para= "pa + Ra" or "par + a"; bema= "be + ma")
antiparabemata = "anti + parabemata" or "antiparabema + ta"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; parabemata= "parabema + ta"; parabema= "para + bema"; para= "pa + Ra" or "par + a"; bema= "be + ma")
antipathetically = "anti + pathetically" or "antipathetic + ally"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; pathetically= "pa + thetically" or "pathetic + ally"; pathetic= "pa + thetic" or "path + etic"; etic= "et + IC"; thetically= "thetic + ally"; thetic= "the + tic")
antirationalism = "anti + rationalism" or "antirational + ism"; (antirational= "anti + rational"; anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; rational= "ration + al"; ration= "rat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
antiromanticism= "anti + romanticism" or "antiromantic + ism"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; romantic= "roman + tic", "Rom + antic" or "Ro + mantic"; roman= "Ro + man" or "Rom + an"; antic= "ant + IC")
antisecession = "anti + secession"; (anti= "an + ti" or "ant + I"; secession= "secess + ion"; secess= "sec + ess"; ion= "I + on")
apathetically = "apathetic + ally"; (apathetic= "a + pathetic"; pathetic= "pa + thetic" or "path + etic"; thetic= "the + tic"; etic= "et + IC")
aperiodically = "aperiodic + ally" or "a + periodically"; (aperiodic= "a + periodic" or "aper + iodic"; periodic= "peri + odic", "per + iodic" or "period + IC"; peri= "per + I"; odic= "od + IC")
apogametic = "apo + gametic"; (gametic= "game + tic", "gam + etic" or "Ga + metic"; game= "Ga + me"; etic= "et + IC"; metic= "me + tic" or "met + IC")
apportionate = "apportion + ate"; (apportion= "apport + ion"; apport= "app + ort"; ion= "I + on"; ate= "a + te")
arbitrational = "arbitration + al" or "arbit + rational"; (arbit= "ar + bit" or "arb + it"; rational= "ration + al"; ration= "rat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
arbitrational = "arbitration + al"; (arbitration= "arbit + ration"; arbit= "ar + bit" or "arb + it"; ration= "rat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
averruncation = "aver + runcation"; (aver= "Av + er"; runcation= "run + cation"; cation= "cat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
barebacked = "bareback + ed" or "bare + backed"; ("bareback= "ba + reback"; reback= “reb + ack”; bare= "ba + re"; backed= "back + ed")
bathetically = "ba + thetically" or "bathetic + ally"; (thetically= "thetic + ally"; thetic= "the + tic"; bathetic= "bath + etic"; etic= "et + IC")
biconsonantic = "bi + consonantic"; (consonantic= "con + sonantic" or "consonant + IC"; sonantic= "son + antic" or "sonant + IC"; antic= " an + tic" or "ant + IC"; sonant= " son + ant")
bigheartedness = "big + heartedness" or "bighearted + ness" ; (heartedness= "hearted + ness"; bighearted= "big + hearted"; hearted= "heart + ed" or "hear + ted"; heart= "he + art"; hear= " he + ar")
binoxalate = "bin + oxalate"; (oxalate= "ox + alate"; alate= "al + ate" or "ala + te"; ate= "a + te"; ala= "al + a" or "a + la")
biogenetically = "bio + genetically" or "biogenetic + ally"; (genetically= "genetic + ally"; biogenetic= "biogen + etic"; genetic= "gen + etic", "gene + tic" or "genet + IC"; etic= "et + IC"; genet= "Ge + net")
biomicroscopically = "bio + microscopically" or "biomicroscopic + ally"; (microscopically= "microscopic + ally"; microscopic= "micro + scopic"; micro= "mic + Ro" or "mi + Cro"; scopic= "scop + IC")
biosynthetically = "bio + synthetically" or "biosynthetic + ally"; (synthetically= "synthetic + ally"; biosynthetic= "bio + synthetic"; synthetic= "synth + etic"; etic= "et + IC")
blatherskite = "blather + skite" or "blathers + kite"; (blather= "blat + her"; skite= "ski + te"; blathers= "blat + hers"; kite= "ki + te")
brokenhearted = "broken + hearted"; (broken= "bro + ken"; hearted= "heart + ed" or "hear + ted"; heart= "he + art"; hear= "he + ar")
cancellation = "cancel + lation"; (cancel= "can + cel"; lation= "lat + ion" or "lati + on"; lati= "la + ti"; ion= "I + on")
orthoarsenate= "ortho + arsenate"; (ortho= "or + tho" or "ort + ho"; arsenate= "ars + enate"; "enate= "en + ate"; or arsenate= "ar + senate"; "senate= "sen + ate")
photoperiodically = "photoperiodic + ally" or "photo + periodically"; (photo= "pho + to"; periodically= "periodic + ally"; periodic= "per + iodic" or "peri + odic"; peri= "per + I")
progestational = "pro + gestational"; (gestational= "Ge + stational" or "gestation + al"; stational= "station + al"; station= "stat + ion"; ion= "I + on")
psychosomatically = "psycho + somatically" or "psychosomatic + ally"; (somatically= "somatic + ally"; psychosomatic= "psycho + somatic"; somatic= "soma + tic"; soma= "so + ma")
radiobiologically = "radiobiologic + ally" or "radio + biologically"; (radiobiologic= "radio + biologic"; biologically= "bio + logically"; radio= "rad + io'; logically= " logic + ally")
radiobroadcaster = "radio + broadcaster"; (radio= "rad + io"; broadcaster= "broad + caster"; broad= "bro + ad"; caster= "cast + er")
reapportioned = "re + apportioned", "reap + portioned" or "reapportion + ed"; (reapportion= "re + apportion" or "reap + portion"; apportion= "apport + ion"; apport= "app + ort"; ion= "I + on"; portion= "port + ion")
regenerating = "re + generating"; (generating= "genera + ting" or "gene + rating"; genera= "gen + era"; rating= "Ra + ting"; era= "er + a")
reinterviewed = "reinterview + ed" or "re + interviewed"; (reinterview= "reinter + view"; interviewed= "inter + viewed"; reinter= "rein + ter"; rein= "re + in"; viewed= "vie + wed")
reprovisioned = "repro + visioned", "re + provisioned" or "reprovision + ed"; (reprovision= "repro + vision"; repro= "rep + Ro" or "re + pro"; vision= "vis + ion"; ion= "I + on")
retrocessional = "retrocession + al"; (retrocession= "retro + cession"; retro= "ret + Ro"; cession= "cess + ion"; ion= "I + on")
tetranitroaniline = "tetra + nitroaniline"; (tetra= "Tet + Ra"; nitroaniline= "nitro + aniline"; nitro= "nit + Ro"; aniline= "ani + line"; ani= "an + I")
trueheartedness = "true + heartedness" or "truehearted + ness"; (truehearted= "true + hearted"; hearted= "heart + ed" or "hear + ted"; heart= "he + art"; hear" = "he + ar")
warmheartedness = "warmhearted + ness" or "warm + heartedness"; (heartedness= "hearted + ness"; hearted= "hear + ted" or "heart + ed"; heart= "he + art"; hear= "he + ar")

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