
時間過的很快,今天已經是雪背字典的第十四天. 雪用邏輯來記英文單字也有顯著的進步. 在這段時間裡雪做了不少的調整,在此與您分享.


(1)         因為習慣了學校的“除了背還是背”的學習方法. 用邏輯來推理的時間實在少之又少. 就連推理的數學課也是用背的,不是用想的. 舉一個例子,我問雪為甚麼a0 = 1,如a不等於零的話. 雪說她不知道,她沒有記住有a不等於零的條件,老師也不知道如何證明,把它記住就是了. 我說要證明a0 = 1,如a不等於零不難. 我問a x a x a =? 她回答a3,a自乘3次就把3寫小一點在a的右上角. 我說那你就應該會證明了. 雪搖搖頭. 我問a2 x a =? 她回答a3,指數2+1 = 3. 我又問 a0 x a3 = ? 她又回答a3. 我說a0 x a3 = a3, a0 必須等於多少? 雪回答是1,她懂了. 我說要能證明a不等於零才有真正的懂整個證明. 並非我要在此討論數學,祇是要強調“想”的重要性. 起先雪想的很少,都是記住我的提示. 我說如果你的邏輯與我一樣的話,記住我的提示是可以的. 不過它的壞處是你沒有做想的訓練,你就沒有辦法自已想.例如arsenal(軍火庫) 雪想不到提示, 雖然我給了我的提示arms(軍火) + senal,雪還是不懂. (您能幫雪想一下我的提示是甚麼嗎?) 我說senal倒過來拼是lanes (巷),你懂了這個字的提示了嗎? 雪點頭. 有了這種想的訓練, 雪記單字的效率提升的.


(2)         雪沒有做回想的練習,所以忘了一些字. 請注意找到提示後的字,在睡覺前或有空時必須回想. 方法請參閱英文單字也可以這樣子玩 (雪如何背字典 (1))裡的我的邏輯記憶法的基本規則(四).”



(3)         做這個邏輯記字訓練時精神好效率會加倍. 累了就要休息. 對我的最好的休息的方法就是小睡一下.


(4)         短的單字是長的單字的基礎. 如要加強短的單字的字彙量, 請參閱有效率記英文單字的遊戲 (不是背)每日一句(記英文單字)兩篇文章.


以下是雪在這段時間用邏輯記憶所記的一部份的單字的提示,您能懂她的提示嗎? (看不提示是很正常的,因為那不是您的邏輯,只供參考用.)



amok = a + mob +k

amphetamine = camp + heat + a + mine

amalgamate = a + mail + gay + mate

alluvial = all + up + vial

affable = a + off + able

alleviate = all + deviate

adept = a + depot

alacrity = alarm + city

allay = all + fay

ambivalent = lamb + I + van + lent

amphitheater = vamp + hit + theater (theater = the eater)

ample = a sample is ample for me.

apartheid = n. apart + the + id

apathetic = apart + (from) + he + tic

apathy = nap + a +thy

aperitif = a + permit   + if

aperture = ape + rat + lure

aphorism = a + up + hour + ism

aphrodisiac = aphor + dias + I +wac

apoplexy = ape + (no) + complex+ ye

apostle = a + post + tie

apostrophe = a + post + rope + he, a + pop + strophe  (strop + he)

apothecary = a + pot + he + carry

appall = a + pop + all

apparatus = appear + at + us

apparel = a + up + parcel

apparition = appear + hit + ion

appendicitis = append + in + cities, appendix + cities

appendix = append + ix (15)

appertain = ape + pertain

appetite = apple + title

appetizer = lappet + i + zero

applaud = a + pop + laud

applause = apple + amuse

apprentice = apparent + ice

appropriate = ape + pro + private

apricot = April + cot

apron = a + pro + on

aptitude = apt + wit + nude

aquarium = aqua rid sum

Aquarius = Aqua + rig + use

aquatic = aqua + tick

aqueduct = aqua + duct (e)

aquiline = aqua + line (i)

Arabian  = a rabbi + an

Arabic = a + grab + ice

arable = air + able

arbitrary = arm + bite + or + army

arbitrate = a + orbit + rate

arcade = arc + a + den

archaeology = arch + a + geology

archaic = arch + a + ice

archipelago = arc + chip + e + lego

architecture = arc + hit + lecture

arctic = arc + tic

ardent = car + dent

ardor = hard + ore

arduous = hard + due + ous

aria = a + ria

arid  = a + trid

aristocracy = a +iris + too + cracy

armada = arm + a + dam

armband = arm + band

armistice = armist + ice

arouse = faro + use = a + rouse

arraign = an + err   + align

arrears = are + rears

arrogant  = arrow   + go   + ant

arsenal = arm + senal

arson = arms + on

artery = art + very

artichoke = art + I + choke

artifice = art + if + ice

artillery = art + ill + very

artisan = art + is + ann




英文單字也可以這樣子玩 (雪如何背字典 (1))

英文單字也可以這樣子玩 (雪如何背字典)




有效率記英文單字的遊戲 (不是背)

有效率學習英文的方法 (應用字的關係而記住, 不是背)



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